Coffee and Romance

Deborah Armstrong
2 min readFeb 25, 2021


Coffee and Romance

My Romance with Coffee — an On-Going Affair
My romance with coffee has been on-going for as long as I can remember. I love its versatility. I can drink it in many ways: hot, iced, black, with cream, milk of various kinds, with sugar or without. Coffee can be consumed from a paper cup, a mug, a travel mug, or in a pretty coffee cup. I can drink it alone, or with friends. Likewise, I drink coffee while working, reading, driving, or doing nothing. The choice is mine, and that’s my romance with coffee.

The Versatility of Coffee
Coffee has many uses, too. For instance, it’s social — let’s go out for coffee. It’s a peace offering — I’m sorry. Let’s talk about it over coffee. It’s romantic- let’s sit by the fire with our coffee and cuddle.

The Symbolism of Coffee in Romance
In Boss, the hero, Dane Andrews, uses coffee as an ice-breaker, peace-maker, and something extra to add to the romance. For instance, Boss takes his coffee black while Jules prefers hers with cream. Jules judges the world by black and white — there’s right or wrong; there’s no grey area. Boss sees the world differently. There is black and white, but there’s a lot of grey, too.

Their story is about learning to compromise, seeing the other’s perspective and learning to accept it without agreeing with it. It’s a difficult decision many of us experience and one that challenges us to be the best we can be, no matter how we take our coffee.



Deborah Armstrong

Deborah Armstrong is a Canadian dairy farmer who writes contemporary romance with a touch of country.