Breast Cancer Targeted Davi, then Hit Me

Deborah Armstrong
2 min readFeb 9, 2023


My heroine and I have a lot in common, and it wasn’t planned to be that way.

Little did I know that when my heroine Davi battled breast cancer, I would find myself fighting the same battle. And like Davi, I didn’t stress about the diagnosis. I had faith in my medical team when they told me the cancer was found early and that my cancer was the most common form of breast cancer. When my oncologist called my cancer slow and lazy, I knew that cancer wouldn’t win this battle.

I believe my loved ones were more stressed about my diagnosis than I was. They worried about me, especially after seeing my breast after the surgery. Would it ever heal? Yes, it will. However, it will take time.

I didn’t lose my breast. Imagine a twenty-five-cent piece that’s about an inch-and-a-half thick. This is the size of the hole in my right breast. Yes, it’s deep, and it is open. The wound isn’t stitched closed. Instead, it is lightly “stuffed” with medical gauze tape that keeps it clean while it heals from the inside out.

It will take weeks to heal. Fortunately, I have the patience to heal, and my hubby’s support comforts me. I don’t need a diamond ring to know he loves me. Being with me daily and showing how much he cares is enough proof.

This isn’t the first time my heroine’s experiences have popped into my real life. It shows me that although I write fiction, my stories are closer to real life than not. By the way, my husband may not be a Hollywood hunk, but he’s a hunk, just the same.

Deborah Armstrong is an expert in writing engaging and scintillating romance. In the Davina and Quinn Love series, Deborah Armstrong writes hot and spicy contemporary romance with a touch of country, inviting her readers to experience Hollywood, New York City, and her very own dairy farm in Canada. In the Game Changer series, Deborah uses the foothills of Alberta as her setting for her sensual romances. Deborah Armstrong’s books are for you if you love passion, drama, and suspense in your romance stories.

© Deborah Armstrong, 2023

#cancer #writerslife #fiction



Deborah Armstrong

Deborah Armstrong is a Canadian dairy farmer who writes contemporary romance with a touch of country.